Imagine it’s January 2. You just spent a month eating everything, ever (Christmas cookies! Candy canes! Salty snacks with dippy stuff!). Oh and while you were at it, you drank everything, ever (wine! Champagne! Poinsettia martinis! Winter lager!). Hell, you might even have had a drunk cigarette or two. Gross. Anyway, all this indulgence was super fun… until now. You hit that point where you just feel tired and gross inside and out. It means one thing: time for some dieting and detoxification.
Well, in terms of dating, consider August 25 to be my equivalent January 2.
Since June, I’ve done quite a bit of proper dating plus an assortment of other strange communications with men (such as the 22-year-old texting me for the first time in four months asking if I’d like to fuck him). I’ve had some great first dates that led to second dates… and yet I’m here alone in my (awesome) apartment, reflecting on the letdowns of the past two months. Definitely not unhappy, but definitely still single.
I’m a firm believer that dating should be fun. No, it must be fun. If it’s not, it means it’s time to reassess.
I hate to admit it, but dating is starting to get not fun for me.
That's not okay.
That's not okay.
So, effective now, I’m going on a Dating Diet for 30 days.
I need to take a little time recenter myself. Whether things are going well or poorly in my dating life, it’s quite distracting. So, I need to cut back or eliminate distractions and replace with emotionally nutritious choices.
My Dating Diet

I will not pursue dating, so, for example, I will not contact anyone from my past and I will not sign up for online dating. (If a date opportunity presents itself, I can consider going if the fit really seems right.)
I will not booty call either. (But I might accept a bootycall. Sorry, a girl’s got needs.) I will use my toys as needed because there’s no emotional fallout from dancing with myself!
The Plan
Between now and September 25, I will –
- Lose five pounds. I currently weigh 136 pounds, which is the most I’ve weighed in over five years. It’s a small gain, but it’s making me self-conscious, so it’s time to change. So, I'll keep up my veggie intake, and I'll need to decrease my booze intake, which leads us to...
- Drink alcohol no more than two days per week. I’ll try for just one. I'm not going for sainthood, people.
- Deep condition my curly mane hair two times. Minimizing frizz makes me happy.
- Apply a deep conditioning face mask three times. Fighting breakouts and wrinkles makes me happy.
- Go to six yoga classes. I just got a killer Groupon for a fancy studio! Between not dating and training for my third half marathon in a year, this is the time to tap into my Zen or something.
Between now and September 25, I will –
- Update my resume and cover letter. They say you should always keep your resume current because shit happens. But I also believe it will be good for me to reflect on my accomplishments the past few years (especially through the end of my marriage).
- Go to my therapist. Just seems like that should be on my list since I haven't had a session since May.
- Donate at least two shopping bags of stuff. I’m not a packrat, but I’m sure there’s crap in my closets I don’t need. Getting rid of unnecessary stuff is good for the soul.
- Contact three people to say thank you for his or her love and support. I am constantly in awe of my circle of friends and family and feel so very blessed to have them. This is the time to tell them.
- Finish my book for book club on time for our September meeting. I was the loser who didn’t finish the book in time for our last two meetings, and honestly, it was in part because of how much I was doing dating-related stuff.
- Stop avoiding my financial planner. I have a mortgage to pay, so shit is real. She has my financial documents. All I have to do is meet with her. No more excuses!
- Hire an electrician to install overhead lighting in my living and dining rooms. It’s so freaking dark in here that I can imagine what Laura Ingalls Wilder felt like. Well lit spaces must be good for my mood or something.
- Hire a painter to paint my living room, kitchen, and guest bathroom. Everything is white. White is for a boring rental, not for a place I own. Give this girl some color!
Over the coming weeks, I'll keep you updated on how my diet progresses!
Related reading: The Dating Detox.
Have you had to go on your own version of a Dating Diet? How did you spend the time? What behaviors did you change?